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The Commonwealth Cyber Initiative is on track to become an Open Testing and Integration Center (OTIC) for O-RAN (Open Radio Access Network).

Open Testing and Integration Center logo

Because O-RAN is an open system, there are no established standards for the ecosystem. 

OTICs, which are vendor-independent, are set up, in part, to encourage and enable wide adoption of O-RAN specifications.

Their work allows equipment manufacturers, system integrators, and software providers to confirm that their products follow O-RAN Alliance specifications. 

With a common platform and processes, OTICs will allow manufacturers to speed  development of new RAN technologies and products.

The O-RAN Alliance says OTICs: 

  • Provide a collaborative, open, and impartial working environment.
  • Support wide adoption of O-RAN specifications.
  • Promote O-RAN through demonstrations, community events, and lab and field trials.
  • Test and verify the conformity of RAN equipment to O-RAN interface specifications.
  • Test and verify the interoperability of RAN equipment from a vendor or vendors using O-RAN interface specifications..
  • Foster and develop the technical capabilities of integrators via workshops and tutorials.
  • Conduct functional and performance (load, capacity) tests of end-to-end systems or subsystems.
  • Provide feedback to the O-RAN community about experiences with O-RAN specifications acquired during the testing, enabling implementation-driven specification.
For more information about CCI’s participation in OTIC, contact us at